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Data Grid - Column visibility

Define which columns are visible.

By default, all the columns are visible. The column's visibility can be switched through the user interface in two ways:

  • By opening the column menu and clicking the Hide menu item.
  • By clicking the Columns menu and toggling the columns to show or hide.

You can prevent the user from hiding a column through the user interface by setting the hideable in GridColDef to false.

In the following demo, the "username" column cannot be hidden.

Rows per page:

1–2 of 2

Press Enter to start editing

Initialize the visible columns

To initialize the visible columns without controlling them, provide the model to the initialState prop.

    columns: {
      columnVisibilityModel: {
        // Hide columns status and traderName, the other columns will remain visible
        status: false,
        traderName: false,

Rows per page:

0–0 of 0

Controlled visible columns

Use the columnVisibilityModel prop to control the visible columns. You can use the onColumnVisibilityModelChange prop to listen to the changes to the visible columns and update the prop accordingly.

    // Hide columns status and traderName, the other columns will remain visible
    status: false,
    traderName: false,

Rows per page:

0–0 of 0

Press Enter to start editing

Column visibility panel

The column visibility panel can be opened through the Data Grid toolbar. To enable it, you need to add toolbar: GridToolbar to the Data Grid slots prop.

The user can then choose which columns are visible using the Columns button.

Rows per page:

0–0 of 0

Press Enter to start editing

Disable the column visibility panel

Sometimes, the intention is to disable the columns panel or control the visible columns programmatically based on the application state. To disable the column visibility panel, set the prop disableColumnSelector={true} and use the columnVisibilityModel prop to control the visible columns.

<DataGrid disableColumnSelector columnVisibilityModel={columnVisibilityModel} />

In the following demo, the columns panel is disabled, and access to columns id, quantity, and filledQuantity is only allowed for the Admin type user.

Rows per page:

0–0 of 0

Customize the list of columns in panel

To show or hide specific columns in the column visibility panel, use the slotProps.columnsPanel.getTogglableColumns prop. It should return an array of column field names.

const getTogglableColumns = (columns: GridColDef[]) => {
  // hide the column with field `id` from list of togglable columns
  return columns
    .filter((column) => column.field !== 'id')
    .map((column) => column.field);

    toolbar: GridToolbar,
    columnsPanel: {
Press Enter to start editing

Disable action buttons

To disable Hide all or Show all buttons in the column visibility panel, pass disableHideAllButton or disableShowAllButton to slotProps.columnsPanel.

    toolbar: GridToolbar,
    columnsPanel: {
      disableHideAllButton: true,
      disableShowAllButton: true,